17-week checkup

Last Friday was the baby's 17-week checkup, and everything's a-ok. The bloodwork came back all normal, and my weight is still right on target (5 lbs. so far). He said now's when I start to monitor kicks, even though I'm not feeling them as strongly yet as I did with Gardner at this point. He assured me that that will change in the week ahead!

I have my ultrasound set for March 30th. Dr. Hearn said they bought a new ultrasound machine with higher definition pictures. It will be hard to look at the screen since I will be so afraid of seeing something I shouldn't and ruining the gender surprise! I can't wait, though.

Gardner went with us for this visit, and he was able to hear the doppler heartbeat (although he didn't know what it was!). It was so special having him there to share a visit with us. Plus, he finally got to meet the doctor who delivered him (and maybe saved his little life!).

Still very tired, but sleeping SO soundly at night. I'm very emotional with all of the changes (moving and all), but in less than 2 weeks, we will be somewhat settled and I hope I'll start to feel better. I am just glad I'm only 4 months along and not 8 months along....I can't imagine how much more stressed I'd be!


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